RTPI and Alzheimer’s Association of WNY Caregiver Gathering

The Roger Tory Peterson Institute is excited to welcome the Alzheimer’s Association for two special events as part of our latest exhibit, Ergo Sum: A Crow A Day by Karen Bondarchuk.

On November 1st, join us for an interactive tour of the exhibit followed by a discussion of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and caregiving. During the discussion, attendees may choose to participate in an artmaking activity inspired by Karen Bondarchuk’s work.

On November 8th, we invite individuals who are living with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Early Alzheimer’s disease or dementia and their care partners to join us for a special guided tour of the exhibit followed by refreshments and a fun, beginner-friendly art activity led by art therapist Andrea Koch.

Refreshments will be provided, and a Care Consultant from the Alzheimer’s Association WNY will be available for questions and support. Registration is strongly encouraged for both events, as supplies and refreshments will be on a first come, first serve basis. To register for either of these events, please call 1.800.272.3900 or email Program.WNY@alz.org before the date of the session you wish to attend.

These events are free and open to the public thanks to the generous support of Dobrak & Fial Funds administered by the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, and RTPI.