RTPI Family Day
This event is free to all and includes free admission to the museum between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Come to RTPI on Saturday, June 11 for RTPI Family Day and enjoy all of the activities planned for that day:
- Be among the first to receive and use our new Field Guide to the Peterson Preserve.
- Take a guided trail walk (offered at 10:30, 11:30, and 12:30).
- Visit Roger’s Art Studio and make your own nature art. Infinity artist and educator Debra Eck will be there to lead nature art projects.
- Talk with artists and naturalists who have helped us create a meaningful art and nature experience at RTPI, including Erin Ruffino (artist who created the “Flicker Moment” mural in Roger’s Art Studio), Vince Liuzzo (chainsaw artist who created the trail sculptures), Leslie Calimeri (artist who created the trail map and preserve field guide), Mikael Catanese (arborist who is clearing the preserve of invasive species), and Ro LoBianco (biologist who is upgrading the trail QR codes and upgrading our Bluebird habitat and Bluebird trail).
- Listen to guitarist Tom Gestwicki as he strolls the grounds playing.
At noon, we will gather on and around the front porch for a brief program that will include:
- Announcing art & nature programming for Girl Scouts
- Rededication of the Lois Buck Nature Trail
- Dedication of Roger’s Art Studio
- Unveiling of a new sculpture